
学术参议院 = See general membership.
The Board = 澳门皇家赌城在线 County Community College 区 校董会. 可替换性
委员会 = All 学术参议院 committees and subcommittees
General 会员 = All faculty, including the Senate Council and its committees. 可与学术参议院互换.
Senate Council = Elected representative body of the 学术参议院.
Senate Executive Committee = Elected officers of the Senate Council, 包括总统, 副总统, 秘书, 和财务主管.  可替换性 Senate Executive or Senate Exec.
Senators = Members of the 学术参议院.

澳门皇家赌城在线 大学 学术参议院


第一节. The name of this organization shall be the 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 学术参议院.


第一节. 目的. 这个组织的目的是代表学院和地区在学术和专业事务上的政策, 如标题5所述, 第53200 (b)条. 这些包括:

  1. Curriculum including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines.

  2. 学位和证书要求.

  3. 分级的政策.

  4. 教育项目开发.

  5. Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success.

  6. 区 and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles.

  7. 教师的角色和参与认证过程,包括自学和年度报告.

  8. Policies for faculty professional development activities.

  9. 项目评审流程.

  10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development.

  11. 管理委员会和学术评议会共同商定的其他学术和专业事项.

第二节. 职责. 这是参议院的职责, either directly or through its designated committees, all academic and professional matters and to establish positions on all such issues.


第一节. In accordance with Education Code Title 5, 第53200 (a)条, 非由学校行政部门指定管理人员的专任教师为学术评议会成员. Insofar as the 学术参议院 is recognized as the representative of all faculty to the Board, 参议院认识到它有责任鼓励和征求兼职教师的成员.


第一节. 业务. 学术参议院的事务应通过参议院理事会和参议院委员会进行. Final authority remains with the general membership which retains the right of initiative, 回忆, 和请愿,并可以多数投票撤销参议院理事会所采取的行动, provided that one-third or more of the general membership participates in the voting.

第二节. 会议. The Senate Council shall meet on campus as specified in Article IV of the By-laws. 经全体会员至少百分之十的请求或参议院理事会多数票通过,应召开特别会议, or as deemed necessary by the Senate Executive Committee.

第三节. 自愿的费. 自愿会费由参议院理事会每年收取,但不是成为会员的条件.

第四节. 规则. 最新版的 罗伯茨的议事规则 指导学术评议会处理本章程和/或章程未明确规定的所有事项.


第一节. 会员. 校董会的成员由校董会执行委员会及校董会附则所界定的各学部代表组成.

第二节. 职责. The duties of the Senate Executive committee, 主席, 和参议院理事会代表应详列于参议院附则和/或概述于 罗伯茨的议事规则.

第三节. 条款. 参议院行政官应在春季学期最后一天的第二天澳门英皇赌城在线其任期. 常务委员会主任委员和参议院理事会代表自秋季学期第一天起澳门英皇赌城在线任期, or after being elected by their divisions. 会长、副会长、秘书、司库每届任期两年.  总统和副总统在这些职位上的连续任期不得超过两(2)届. 常务委员会组成人员和参议院理事会代表,由其所代表的团体选举产生,任期一年. Additionally, the Senate president can appoint faculty representatives to committees.

第四节. 提名.  参议院执行委员会成员的提名应由全体会员中的任何成员提出. 请愿书必须由十(10)学术参议院成员签署并提交给参议院主席. 请愿书还必须附有一份书面声明,概述候选人竞选公职的原因. 校务委员会应设立一个不少于三(3)名学术委员会成员组成的选举委员会. 所有被提名者应在选举前至少两(2)周向参议院理事会提交报告. 如果某一职位的候选人在10月第一次参议院理事会会议前没有提交请愿书, nominations may be made by a committee of the Senate Council.

第五节. 选举. 候选人名单应在不迟于10月15日公布并提交给全体会员. The date(s) of election shall be determined by the Senate Council no later than November 15. 选举 shall be completed by the end of the fall semester. 1) Voting shall be by secret and written ballot. The ballot shall be distributed to the mailboxes of the full-time faculty. OR 2) The Executive Council may initiate amendments.  经执行理事会多数票通过后,提交各成员通过. A majority vote of all members voting by secret ballot shall be sufficient for adoption.

The voting period shall be at least two (2) and no more than five (5) days. If no candidate receives a simple majority on the first ballot, a runoff election shall be held between the top two (2) candidates. Other election procedures are to be established each year by the Senate Council. 参议院理事会的代表应按照附则和宪法的规定选举产生.

第六节. 参议院委员会席位空缺.  参议院委员会席位空缺 occur through resignation, 使无能力, failure to fulfill responsibilities as stated in the By-laws, 退休, 召回或死亡. 空缺应按照章程中规定的程序填补(第I条D款)。.

第七节. 参议院执行委员会.  如任何官员未能连续出席四(4)次参议院执行委员会会议,即视为其辞职. 空缺应按照章程中规定的程序填补(第I条D款)。.

8节. 委员会. The Senate President shall appoint faculty to all professional and/or academic committees, 学院及地区. The Senate Council shall approve these appointments, as specified in the By-laws. Ad hoc committees may be created by the Senate Council as the need arises; the chairperson of each ad hoc committee shall be named by the President. The Senate Council shall determine committee charges and responsibility.

  1. It shall be the duty of the committees:

    1. 要考虑的, study and make recommendations on all matters submitted by the President and Senate Council, 委员会主席, 和/或参议院.

    2. To report to the Senate Council at least once a year and thereafter to the Senate, 不论是否经理事会批准. 向参议院理事会报告的程序由参议院理事会制定,并可随时修改.

    3. 在进行研究或调查之前,将建议提交参议院委员会批准. In the event that the Senate Council disapproves of a committee’s proposal, the committee may appeal the decision of the Senate Council to the general membership by ballot.

  2. It shall be the duty of committee 主席:

    1. 召集委员会的定期会议,并在足够的时间内通知所有参议员.

    2. To prepare an agenda for committee meetings, to be responsible for maintaining all committee records, and to report committee actions to the Senate Council.

    3. To maintain liaison with other committees and with the Senate Council.


第一节. 宪法或附则的修正案可由参议院理事会多数票或至少百分之十(10%)全体会员的书面请愿提出. 提议的变更应在参议院理事会定期会议召开前至少两(2)周通知所有参议员,届时该变更将列入议程. Or, 提议的变更应在投票前一(1)个月通过书面投票通知全体会员. Adoption of an amendment to the 宪法 requires a two-thirds majority of the general
会员投票. 章程的修订须经全体会员过半数投票通过. All voting shall be by secret and written ballot.

(VC 学术参议院 宪法: Adopted- April 30, 1971; Revised- December 7, 1973; Revised- April 27, 1978; Revised/Adopted- April 18, 2002)

Revised by Bob Porter and Peter Sezzi on October 19, 2005
Revised by Senate Executive Committee on February 23, 2006
Revised by Senate Executive Committee on  March 1, 2006
Revised by Senate Council on March 2, 2006
Revised and Adopted  Unanimously by Senate Council on March 16th, 2006
Approved by the General 会员 on April 5th, 2006

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